BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents > About importing documents

About importing documents

There are many ways to get documents into a vault, including:

All of these methods create new documents, but the method you choose should be determined by the type and quantity of documents that you want to import and convenience. Each of the methods is described in the following topics.

Related concepts

About the Document Import Tool

About the Assembly Import Tool

Importing hybrid documents

Understanding the copy commands

About scanning documents

Related tasks

Importing files using drag and drop

Creating an import data source file

Loading a configuration file

Controlling the Document Import Tool

Monitoring an import

Configuring data source settings

Configuring the Miscellaneous settings

Configuring the Initialize Properties settings

Configuring the Revisions settings

Creating a new document from a template

Copying a document

Deriving a document

Replacing a document

Importing hybrid documents

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